Sunday, November 15, 2009


Enlightenment acts as an understandment and spread of knowledge. To enlighten someone is to broaden their view on something. I think that this blog post relates to what we have been talking about in class the past few days.
The articles we have read about eatting disorders, media, fashion, looks, etc is all examples of enlightenment. The authors are spreading what they know about the issue to us. Most of it is positive enlightenment as well because it is allowing us to know that no one is perfect.
The word enlightenment can be looked at in so many different ways. It can be thought of as learining, or as teaching. It can be looked at as education or wisdom. Also, it can be thought of as open mindedness or broad mindedness. Instruction and insight also describe enlightenment.
Overall, thinking about this blog post really enlightened;) me to looking deep for the meaning of a term.

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