Sunday, December 6, 2009

Blog on Anything!

Usually, I would have a hard time comming up with what to blog about. But, today I have lots to say! I got back from Brainderd last night. The Trojet dance team went up there for an invitational meet Friday right after school. It was pretty cold! When we got up there we had to go straight to our hotel rooms to change into something we could practice in (all which had to be the same outfit). We headed over the the Brainderd Dance Studio to get some practice time. After, we went to Famous Daves with Eastview. I am sure when the other customers saw 125 dancers walk in they were overwhelmed...but at least the restaurant was prepared! After Famous Daves we got time to go swimming at the hotel and what not. The hotel hottub felt extremly good!
Saturday morning we were up bright and early to head to Brainerd High school. We got there around 8:15, but had to wait until 1:30 to dance. So we streched, marked through our dance, stretched....and stretched a little more. wayzata's Varsity, JV and B squad all took 1st place which was a really big acomplishment and we felt very proud!
After the awards we headed back to Plymouth, unfortunately to find out that we couldn't get our backpacks out of the locker room at school. I spent all day today gathering up pieces of homework I could attempt to do (math without a calculator=almost impossible by the way.) Anyway, it was a really fun weekend and went by way to fast :(

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