Tuesday, December 22, 2009


So, apparently I’ve skipped a generation or something. Last time I checked it wasn’t cool to shave your head; especially if you were a girl. You know what else wasn’t so cool? Stuffing your face with over processed grease at the nearest fast food restaurant. Welcome to America.
It is here that people consider a $100 pair of shoes a deal. Do not forget that these shoes are nothing other than a piece of fabric with a rubber sole that, quite frankly, I could sew together myself. It is here that $20 worth of food at McDonalds (all of which is from the dollar menu) is considered to be reasonable and maybe even healthy. I am sure then that a $100,000 medical bill for clogged arteries caused from fast food would be acceptable too? Just a guess.
It is here that a citizen will cross the ocean to fight for democracy, but will barely cross the street to vote in a national election.
It is here that a Dad will cradle the television set, as if it were their 3rd child, every Sunday afternoon. So much for family time. But, when they see something they don’t like, beware. Their mood for the rest of the day will depend on the score board.
It is here that people will be seen, alone in their cars, belting out the lyrics to their favorite song. They assume that no one can see them, or in some cases hear them. Or how about this; the yelling driver cursing at the vehicle that just cut them off. I hope they do not think that the vehicle can hear them, or really even cares.
It is here that having a 30 year old mom is acceptable…when you are 16. It here that being offered drugs on the corner of most streets is common. It makes you fell like you are walking on clouds; you should really buy some and help support those who need money…sound familiar?
This one is my favorite. It is here where we drive around to four different gas stations, trying to find the cheapest price. Well, going to the nearest one probably would have been a good idea, seeing that one now spent more money and time driving around.
It is here where people will do anything for publicity, even if that means telling the world their little boy drifted off into space in a hot air balloon. Sounds real convincing, right?
It is here where naming your baby boy Apple is perfectly normal. Or your baby girl Sunday. Very cute.
It is here where using the rearview mirror as your beauty salon is acceptable. Don't poke your eye out. Here is where it is ok to put false eyelashes on three year old girls and send them on stage to “compete for the crown.”
It is here where we think we know so much. Where we think we are being so politically, economically and socially correct. It is here that we quite often make absolutely no sense.
Welcome to America.

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