Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Gift: I am a Dancer

Here are a few ways in which you could say I am a dancer.

I devote my life to practice over 20 hours a week.
I wear tutus and glitter.
I sacrifice my feet and sanity for the team.
I wear fake eyelashes and ruby red lipstick.
I count out my routine in math class.
I pull muscles I never knew I had; daily.
I own my own ballet bar.
I treat my dance shoes as if they were my children.
I expect my talent to be noticed.
I have the strength to improve my skills.

“Dancers are the athletes of God,” Albert Einstein once said. For as long as I can remember, I have been proud to be part of this title. Some may classify dancers as annoying or embarrassing, but that doesn’t bring us down. Going to dance releases emotions and energy that you never knew you even had. Plus, I have made life lasting friends from being part of the dance team.
It is important for people to realize that dancer’s, just like other athletes, work hard and are devoted. Some think that just because it seems like a girly activity, it’s easy. That would be a false accusation. First of all, some of the best dancers are male. Secondly, we work day and night to perfect our skills and clean our routine, which in return, we expect to be noticed.
We wear sparkly costumes and too much makeup. Does this seem overrated? Maybe, but it helps us get better scores and show off our technique. It is not regularly or by choice that we would wear this. We do it simply for the score sheet, kind of like one would do with a job. Businessmen do not want to wear a suit and tie everyday, but it gets them somewhere. That is the same with dance costumes. As overrated as it may be, it’s necessary.
What also is the truth is that I strive for perfection. I strive to be the best I can be and to improve on all that I can. With that being said, dance is the perfect thing for me. It is a sport where perfection is mandatory. Working hard and doing your best is mandatory. There have been many ups and downs in my personal experiences with dance, but they have all made me a better person. Plus, it makes me work ten times harder to achieve perfection. I consider my talent a gift.
I am an athlete. A perfectionist. A girly-girl. I am a hard worker. I try my best. I never give up. I reach for the stars. I am a dancer.


So, apparently I’ve skipped a generation or something. Last time I checked it wasn’t cool to shave your head; especially if you were a girl. You know what else wasn’t so cool? Stuffing your face with over processed grease at the nearest fast food restaurant. Welcome to America.
It is here that people consider a $100 pair of shoes a deal. Do not forget that these shoes are nothing other than a piece of fabric with a rubber sole that, quite frankly, I could sew together myself. It is here that $20 worth of food at McDonalds (all of which is from the dollar menu) is considered to be reasonable and maybe even healthy. I am sure then that a $100,000 medical bill for clogged arteries caused from fast food would be acceptable too? Just a guess.
It is here that a citizen will cross the ocean to fight for democracy, but will barely cross the street to vote in a national election.
It is here that a Dad will cradle the television set, as if it were their 3rd child, every Sunday afternoon. So much for family time. But, when they see something they don’t like, beware. Their mood for the rest of the day will depend on the score board.
It is here that people will be seen, alone in their cars, belting out the lyrics to their favorite song. They assume that no one can see them, or in some cases hear them. Or how about this; the yelling driver cursing at the vehicle that just cut them off. I hope they do not think that the vehicle can hear them, or really even cares.
It is here that having a 30 year old mom is acceptable…when you are 16. It here that being offered drugs on the corner of most streets is common. It makes you fell like you are walking on clouds; you should really buy some and help support those who need money…sound familiar?
This one is my favorite. It is here where we drive around to four different gas stations, trying to find the cheapest price. Well, going to the nearest one probably would have been a good idea, seeing that one now spent more money and time driving around.
It is here where people will do anything for publicity, even if that means telling the world their little boy drifted off into space in a hot air balloon. Sounds real convincing, right?
It is here where naming your baby boy Apple is perfectly normal. Or your baby girl Sunday. Very cute.
It is here where using the rearview mirror as your beauty salon is acceptable. Don't poke your eye out. Here is where it is ok to put false eyelashes on three year old girls and send them on stage to “compete for the crown.”
It is here where we think we know so much. Where we think we are being so politically, economically and socially correct. It is here that we quite often make absolutely no sense.
Welcome to America.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Inner Ring Response

I really enjoyed reading "The Inner Ring." It was inspirational and nice to hear someone vent about what most people feel they can't. Also, I agree with every word of it. ALtering your self to fit the "persona" needed to fit in with a group is ridiculous. I have seen it first hand, and it never turns out well. If you be yourself, you will find your way, and your place. In fact, you'll be better off. Its an analogy like this: If you are a rose, you are going to feel awkard and out of place in a field of daisys. Find other roses, ones that complement your personality and taste. You'll look, fell and be able to be yourself and let your individual beauty shine through. :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Trans what? Blog 10

Transcendentalism is a term that confuses me, to say the least. However, after doing a little bit of research I think I can understand the basice concept. That is basically that transcendentalism is based upon the belief that the ideas of reality should be discovered by the study of the process of thought. It relates to nature and rests on the belief of individuality and the power of divine within the individuals. For the most part, I agree with this. I am all for individuality. However, the way in which Ermerson and Thoreau depict this sense of individuality comes off a little bit too strong.
Transcendental means superior, as well. So, it is good to strive to be the best you can, but if everyone had their own superior sense of individuality, the sense of organization would be completly lost and I think we would all be in trouble!
With that being said, being an individual is a good think, but we must not take it to the extreme and get carried away. Personality is key and being who you want to be is key as well. We can not rely on text to tell us who we should and should not (or can and can not) be.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Blog on Anything!

Usually, I would have a hard time comming up with what to blog about. But, today I have lots to say! I got back from Brainderd last night. The Trojet dance team went up there for an invitational meet Friday right after school. It was pretty cold! When we got up there we had to go straight to our hotel rooms to change into something we could practice in (all which had to be the same outfit). We headed over the the Brainderd Dance Studio to get some practice time. After, we went to Famous Daves with Eastview. I am sure when the other customers saw 125 dancers walk in they were overwhelmed...but at least the restaurant was prepared! After Famous Daves we got time to go swimming at the hotel and what not. The hotel hottub felt extremly good!
Saturday morning we were up bright and early to head to Brainerd High school. We got there around 8:15, but had to wait until 1:30 to dance. So we streched, marked through our dance, stretched....and stretched a little more. wayzata's Varsity, JV and B squad all took 1st place which was a really big acomplishment and we felt very proud!
After the awards we headed back to Plymouth, unfortunately to find out that we couldn't get our backpacks out of the locker room at school. I spent all day today gathering up pieces of homework I could attempt to do (math without a calculator=almost impossible by the way.) Anyway, it was a really fun weekend and went by way to fast :(