Tuesday, October 13, 2009

School All Year Round?!

I give lots of credit to students who go to school all year round. To me, this seems almost absurd. At the end of the nine month school year, I am beyond ready to have a break. Then, at the end of summer I am ready to re group and start up the school year again. I feel that summer break helps get my mind back on track and focused. School all year round would make it really hard to focus on my studies, especially during the summer months when the weather becomes distracting. I feel bad for kids who have no summer break. However, they probablly do not know what it feels like and are use to what the routine they have.
All in all, I strongly feel that a summer break is needed. Not only only so students can stay sane, but so they can take family trips and spend time with their friends. I think WHS has a perfect routine just how it is. But, maybe we could have a few extra breaks throughout the year? Just kidding. :)


  1. I AGREE. If we don't have summer break, I might just have to go punch a wall or something. Summer break is the time for me to go to my cabin all the time, golf, relax and have fun, and I would be able to do that so much less because of the Minnesota weather. All year round school would be better in a southern state where it is warm all the time. But there is no way in heck I will let them make it here.

  2. I think it's fairly obvious that the vast majority of students, at least at Wayzata, would prefer to have summer break. We need summer to relax and SLEEP. Classes give us so much homework that I never get any time to sleep or do anything outside. Pretty much after school I go to Cross Country, then go home and do homework until I go to bed. Summer break is a necessity. Without it I don't think I could focus in school, because it would be like school never ended.

  3. Love your idea of more breaks! Haha! But I also think that more breaks it would make the school longer and more like year round school. I think the adjustment would be way too hard to make for kids at Wayzata because we've all grown up going to only nine months of school and having summer break. It would be way too hard to break that habit and routine and switch to year long school!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Haha, definitely put more breaks in the year. XD Or at least spread the days of school out a little bit more so that we have more 3 or 4 day weekends, like this one! We could still have a summer break of two months or something, but the school year would be less stressful. We should have something in between year-round school and what we have now. =]

    Whoops, and sorry about the previous comment. XD I wanted to see what would happen if I deleted it... and now I know. :P

  6. I agree. everyone definetly needs a break from school and it's october and i personally feel like i need a break already. But having school all year might be cool because we'd have less homework and we'd actually learn some topics more in depth. we'd have more study time and we could actually have the time to do our extra curricular activities and do homework in a balanced matter.
