Tuesday, October 13, 2009

School All Year Round?!

I give lots of credit to students who go to school all year round. To me, this seems almost absurd. At the end of the nine month school year, I am beyond ready to have a break. Then, at the end of summer I am ready to re group and start up the school year again. I feel that summer break helps get my mind back on track and focused. School all year round would make it really hard to focus on my studies, especially during the summer months when the weather becomes distracting. I feel bad for kids who have no summer break. However, they probablly do not know what it feels like and are use to what the routine they have.
All in all, I strongly feel that a summer break is needed. Not only only so students can stay sane, but so they can take family trips and spend time with their friends. I think WHS has a perfect routine just how it is. But, maybe we could have a few extra breaks throughout the year? Just kidding. :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

After reading the article about American students and their work ethic, I felt a little bit offended. I think that American's work ethic may be a lot less than other countires, but the article was a little too stereotypical. We work and strive for perfection as well. We are not all just one big party, as the ethnic girl referred to us as in the movie. My reaction to the video was that it was dissing American students. However, it also may just be trying to prove a point or bring upon an argument.
I feel bad for the students in China and other countires who spend every moment of their day studying and doing school work. It also makes me feel a little bit guilty, like I should live up to their standards. I try my best in all that I do so I know that that must count for something right? Your reward for so much work is success. But, does this mean that I won't be as successful as students in other countries? I hope not. I think that the article was zooming in on a group of students in America, not American students as a whole. Because I know that there are some very smart and hard working students here, a ton even in our own school.
All in all, the movie and the article were interesting to read because it lead me to see how other people categorize us. Whether or not their categorization be correct is up to us as individuals (and maybe as a whole too.)