Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ap sad it's over! I feel like I have grown so much as a person and a writer this semester. I look forward to using my new rhetoric techniques in future classes! Now time to move onto to not so betterthings...such as chem:(

Monday, January 18, 2010

To leave is to be tortured. Especially on a Monday morning, when leaving means going to school at 7 am, half asleep with not nearly enough coffee in hand. If you think about it, you have so many things you have to leave on Monday mornings. You leave your eventful (or in some cases not so eventful) weekend behind. You leave your cozy bed the second your noisy alarm clock buzzes in your ear--off to the shower. You let the warm water trickle onto your head, off your back and down the drain over and over again-until its time to leave the shower to get dressed. You leave the warmth and the comfort of it all behind, including your fuzzy robe that Grandma gave you for Christmas. You eat breakfast and drink your orange juice, leaving only crumbs for your mother to pick up later on. You leave your house, and chills are instantly sent down your spine as the frigid Minnesota weather eats away your warmth. You leave your neighborhood.
Then, you are at school, where once again you leave the comfort of your car to scamper into first block; where continuously throughout the day you will leave place after place and one thing after another. It is a never ending circle of reality. Leaving is a factor of life.

To leave is also to arrive. It is a critical thing in order to succeed. Sometimes, leaving is the best thing to do. You can not get anywhere without leaving something behind, whether that be your weekend comfort on a Monday morning as you leave for school, or your stressful schoolwork as you leave to go back home.
Leaving one thing will cause the arrival of a next, a new step in your day or your life. It is important to not always think of "leaving" as being so negative. It can cause very positive outcomes. It brings upon the arrival of something new, and yet another opportunity for leaving. It creates almost a never ending cycle: leave, arrive, leave, arrive, leave, arrive, etc.
You will never completely leave, or completly arrive, until the day you die--which at the time will both happen at once. You will leave the lives of your loved ones, but arrive at a better place.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Success: Answer Key

1. description
2. compare/contrast
3. classification
4. cause and effect
5. narration
6. defenition
7. example
8. process analysis
9. division analysis
9. argumentative/persuasive

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Modes of Discourse: Success

1.) A man sat in his office, wearing a suit and bearing an ear piece. The phone rang off the hook in the room across the hall as his personal assistant answered to all the needs. Offer after offer and deal after deal, the man made more green. After work, his car would be personally brought to the edge of the parking ramp, where he would drive away in his brand new car to go home to his elegant house and lovely family. He need not worry about his bills, or create a budget. All he had to do was spend time with his family and relax for the night. This was all a result of his hard work-his success.

2.) The difference between success and failure are pretty clear. Success is accomplishment, while failure is lack of doing so. HOwever, failure may take place in order to achieve success.

3.) When we think of success, we often think of billion dollar homes, fancy cars, straight A student and outstanding athletes. In reality, success is much more than just luxury items. It can come from almost anything and turn into almost everything.

4.) Success is the result of staying up late to finish your project. It is the result of your 12 years of schooling. Success is the result of your many hours of practice, or your first place award. It is the result of all you ever work towards. What is this result? Satisfaction.

5.) When I was 11, I had success. The beginning to my long lasting journey of dance had begun. This is the year I became involved with the Performing Dance Line. I worked so hard the previous year, putting in hours of dedication to get what I wanted. I had so much motivation to be a part of the team. Looking back on it now, it was a decision that has changed my life. I have had some ups and downs, but the lessons that dance has taught me brings so much success. I am capable to be the best that I can be and put my mind to anything I want due to the lessons that I have learned from dance. I consider this a huge amount of success.

6.)Success can come in so many different shapes, forms and sizes. In literal terms, it is the result of an action taken place(to achieve a common goal.) It leads our lifes in the direction we choose.

7.) Success is what we work for our entire lives. It is the result of the everyday things that we do and encounter. Success is the motivation of every action that takes place. Without it, life would be simple and there would be nothing to work towards.

8.) In order to be successful, one needs motivation. Along with motivation will be work ethic. These two things combined are the results of actions taken to achieve a goal or overcome an obstacle. With these ingredients, success is bound to happen.

9.) In order to be successful, one will need a few different components. It is not just a word, but a destination. A destination in which a journey must be taken to reach. It involves your heart, body, mind and self-motivation. It also involves reaching for the stars and, at times, going with your gut.

10.) Turn your failure into success. Work hard at something before giving up-practice makes perfect. Put in time and effort to what you want to accomplishment. Have self-motivation; encourage yourself. Be who you want to be and do what you want to do. Do not let others get in the way of your future or your values. Afterall, success is not just an accomplishment, its most often a memory as well. So, make memories and be enthusiatic towards your postions in life.